Dr Komala's Women Clinic - Tubal Surgeries

Laparoscopic Surgeries - Tubal Surgeries

Women who are unsure about planning a family, or do not want any other baby to opt for sterilisation. Sterilization is done through laparoscopic surgeries which involve tubal ligation. 

While tubal ligation is a reversible process, it is also a permanent process of sterilisation. So if you are among those women who are still not ready or are unsure about having a baby, visit a specialist and consult them regarding laparoscopic surgeries. Your specialist will guide you through the entire surgical process and will let you know about the do and don’ts as well as how you could prepare for it. If you have opted for it, here is what you need to know. 

Overview about Laparoscopic Surgeries

Laparoscopic surgeries involve surgical procedures in which short and narrow tubes are inserted into the abdomen via the incisions made for the desired surgery to be performed.

Gynaecology laparoscopic surgeries are an alternative to open sterilisation surgeries. It involves a laparoscope consisting of a tube fitted with the camera head inserted into the pelvic region through the incision made in the same region. With the use of miniature instruments, your doctor performs tubal ligation surgeries assisted with a camera head attached to the laparoscope, thereby simplifying the task.

 Laparoscopic surgeries are the preferred choice of treatment these days as it requires minimal time post-procedure for healing, unlike other open surgeries. This procedure is performed by gynaecologists and other experts in the field. 

What are tubal ligation surgeries?

Tubal ligation surgeries are those laparoscopic surgeries that are aimed at sterilisation. In this surgical procedure, the fallopian tubes are tied to prevent pregnancies. Tubal ligation surgeries are used as birth control measures. Once the fallopian tubes are tied, the eggs or the ovum are prevented from reaching the ovaries. It prevents the sperms from entering the fallopian tube, thus successfully preventing fertilisation. The procedure of tubal ligation does not affect the menstrual cycle.  

 Usually, the procedure is performed bilaterally as fertilisation mainly takes place in either of the fallopian tubes. The surgery is a minimally invasive procedure that involves minor incisions made in the pelvic or the lower abdominal region. A laparoscope is inserted to give a complete view of the inside and miniature instruments used to perform this surgery 

How is the tubal ligation procedure performed?

Before performing the tubal ligation procedure, a few tests have to be conducted to ensure that you are not pregnant. The surgical procedure is performed by a gynaecologist or specialist. The patient will be under general anaesthesia. A catheter (small tube) is inserted to empty your bladder. A needle is, then, used to infuse carbon dioxide gas into the abdomen. This ensures that the organs do not touch the walls of the abdomen, making the process easier to perform and preventing risks of injury.  

 An incision is then made in the lower abdomen, below the navel. A laparoscope is inserted through the incision, giving a clear view of the operation during the procedure. A second incision is made to insert the instruments that are used specifically for laparoscopic surgeries. These instruments are used to seal the fallopian tube either by destroying a part of the fallopian tube or by tying the fallopian tube using plastic rings or clips. 

 The location of the incision is decided by the specialist depending on your previous delivery (normal vaginal birth or C- section). If you had a normal delivery, your doctor would make an incision under your belly and if you had a C-section delivery your doctor would make an incision at the spot where your cesarean incision was made for the delivery of your baby.  

How to prepare for tubal ligation surgeries

Your doctor will inform you of the pros and the cons of tubal ligation surgeries. You should proceed with the surgical procedure only if you are mentally prepared for it. You should be aware of the risks and the benefits of this reversible procedure, as well as the success and failure ratio of the surgery. Tubal ligation surgery is best performed after childbirth or in combination with other abdominal surgeries such as C-sections.

Precautions to be taken after the surgery

  • Rest for a week or two
  • Avoid lifting heavy objects  
  • Avoid gyming and excretion 
  • Avoid sex until you feel comfortable 
  • Take the medications prescribed by your doctor 
  • Follow a simple diet, take plenty of fruits and juices  

Drink plenty of water to avoid problems like dehydration, constipation, and straining  

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