Dr Komalas Women Clinic - D and C

What is the D and C procedure?

In the D & C procedure (also known as the dilation and curettage procedure), the cervix, which is at the lower and narrow part of the uterus, is dilated to scrape the uterine lining with a curette to remove abnormal tissues in your uterus. 

Why is the D and C Procedure Performed?

The D and C procedure is also considered a therapeutic or a diagnostic procedure to understand the reason for abnormal or excessive uterine bleeding, detect cancer, or even understand the reasons for infertility. 

The reason for abnormal uterine bleeding is the presence of abnormal tissues such as fibroids or tumors that develop in the uterus, also known as myomas, and cancer of the uterus. Tissues extracted through the D and C procedure are examined under a microscope. Abnormal uterine bleeding may also be because of a hormone imbalance, or it may present as a disorder in women approaching menopause or who have already reached menopause. 

The D and C method has a suction that removes the uterine contents. The same D and C procedure removes the fetus and other tissues that have not passed naturally after a miscarriage. If these foreign tissues are not removed from your uterus, there are chances of infection and heavy bleeding. There may be many other reasons, such as:

  • To get visual confirmation of the previous test result
  • To remove polyps and fibroids from your uterus 
  • It may be used in conjunction with a laparoscopic procedure.
  • If your doctor wants to check if there is a malformation in your uterus

How is the D and C Procedure Performed?

The D and C will be performed only after your doctor determines the type of D and C procedure you require. Some D and C procedures are performed while you are asleep under the influence of general anesthesia. A team of expert surgeons, doctors, physicians, lab technicians, and nurses at Dr Komala’s Women Clinic will carefully review and understand your requirements and help you heal. 

The D and C procedure involves the following steps:

  1. As soon as you enter the surgery room, you will be asked to empty your bladder and change into a gown. 
  2. The doctor will position you on an operating or examination table with your feet and legs supported properly for a clear pelvic examination. 
  3. Then a nurse will start an IV line in your arm or hand. 
  4. Also, a urinary catheter will be inserted. 
  5. The doctor will insert an instrument known as “speculum” inside your vagina to spread the walls apart and open up the cervix area. 
  6. The cervix will be cleaned with an antiseptic solution. 
  7. The doctor will numb the area of your body with the help of a small needle and inject the required anesthetic medication so that you do not feel pain or discomfort. 
  8. If regional or general anesthesia is used, the doctors and anesthesiologist will monitor your heart rate, breathing, blood oxygen, and blood pressure during surgery. 
  9. As soon as the doctors reach your cervix, they will use a tool called a tenaculum to hold the cervix and start the procedure. 
  10. Uterine sound, which is a rod-like instrument and very thin, will be inserted in your cervical opening to gauge the length of your uterus. 
  11. The doctors will then dilate your cervix by inserting a series of thin rods where every rod will be larger in diameter than the previous one. This will open up the cervix, making it larger so that the curette, a spoon-shaped instrument, can be inserted. 
  12. Once the curette is inserted, it will reach your uterus to scrape the tissues away. The doctors might use suction to remove the tissues. 
  13. After the tissues are successfully removed, all the instruments will also be removed from your body. 
  14. As soon as the tissues are available, they will be sent to the lab for examination to understand the culture, testing, chromosomal, or genetic abnormalities. 

What Happens after the Procedure?

After the procedure, your recovery depends on the type of procedure and anesthesia administered during surgery. Doctors may recommend you stay at the hospital for at least 2-3 days after the surgery, and they will monitor your recovery.

  • There may be light vaginal bleeding or spotting after a few days of your surgery. 
  • Light cramps or abdominal pain may occur post-surgery. 
  • The doctor may recommend you not engage in sexual intercourse for a few days. 
  • You may also have to control other activities, such as no gymming, running, heavy lifting, etc., for a few days post-surgery. 
  • Since D and C remove uterus linings, the linings will grow back automatically. This means that your menstrual cycle might start before the regular date. 
  • There might be diet modifications if recommended by your doctor. 
  • The doctor will recommend medication for typical post-surgery symptoms. You must take your medicines on time. 
  • Your doctor will suggest a follow-up date to check your recovery and progress. 


If you experience any side effects or symptoms, it is best that you speak with your doctor immediately. The indicators may be:  

  • Heavy bleeding 
  • Chills or fever 
  • Foul smell from your vaginal area 
  • Severe abdominal cramps or pain


At Komala’s Women Clinic, we understand that every medical requirement needs to be treated with utmost professionalism and care. A team of expert doctors, surgeons, rehabilitators, nurses, lab technicians, etc., from our Gynaecology department performs various surgeries. Our state-of-the-art hospital comprises modern techniques and methods to offer the best possible treatment to every patient for a better and healthier life. 

If a woman experiences unexplained uterine bleeding, she may undergo the D and C procedure where the doctor will be able to find the reasons for unexplained bleeding. 

Your next period may be either, too late or early. 

It is recommended to not to perform any sexual activity very soon after a D and C. Consult your doctor after a few days and then only proceed with it.  

Doctors usually have patients stay at the hospital for a couple of days after surgery to monitor their condition and aid recovery.  

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