Many individuals dream of starting their own families. Nevertheless, many couples suffer from emotional and physical disturbances in their lives due to infertility or the inability to conceive a baby. About 80% of the women get pregnant without any medical help, 10% of them achieve fertility by the end of the second year, and 10% remain infertile.
To treat infertility, many advanced technologies have been used in medical science such as artificial insemination, intrauterine insemination, in-vitro fertilization, and many more.
The word “stress” in stress incontinence only refers to physical pressure and has nothing to do with mental stress. The main sy
Infertility is the failure to conceive within a year or more with regular unprotected coitus. A healthy pregnancy requires both the man and the woman to be healthy.
The male is directly responsible for conception in nearly 30-40 % of cases and females in about 40-55 % of cases.
The following are important for a healthy conception:
ptom is urine leakage during forceful physical activities, which can be just a few drops or enough to soak your clothes. If you suspect you have any symptoms related to stress incontinence, you should immediately talk with your doctor. These symptoms may include involuntary leakage of urine due to:
Your doctor will discuss your symptoms and try to solve your problem using non-invasive treatment methods. If your condition does not get better even after such treatment, your doctor may recommend surgery.
Some of the common infertility causes in men are:
Various causative factors lead to infertility in females. Some of them are-
Both men and women face a common set of issues that could lead to infertility. These include:
A physician needs to look at the couple’s medical history and conduct detailed examinations to confirm the causative factors of infertility and to form a protocol for its treatment.
Here are some of the major investigations that are conducted in this regard:
As the process of treating infertility is a long and exhausting treatment, it is important to stay positive and work under the guidance of a physician.
Here are some tips to follow:
Before beginning the infertility treatment, the serum has to be analysed in detail. Infertility caused by an infectious disease or obstruction in the reproductive system is treated accordingly.
The treatment of male infertility has improved significantly with the advent of various advanced technologies like ART (assisted reproductive technology).
Intrauterine insemination, in-vitro fertilization, PESA, MESA, and intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) are some of the treatment options available for infertile males.
This extraction technology is used to extract the sperm from the epididymis suffering from a low number of sperm (Azoospermia). It is a simple surgical procedure done under local anaesthesia to extract the sperm from the fine needle. This procedure doesn’t require one to incise the skin. The fluid is gently extracted from the fine needle out of the body, which is sent to the laboratory afterwards for processing.
To treat ovulatory dysfunction in females, specific medications are used to induce ovulation.
If the infertility is caused due to some infection such as chronic cervicitis or a vaginal infection, it is treated according to it. Tumours and other abnormal growths are treated surgically.
Assisted treatment technology is also used in treating infertility. It involves the manipulation of fertilisation of sperm and ovum outside the body for treating infertility.
Infertility is a stressed disease and involves many investigations. The treatment is exhausting too.
Infertile couples, particularly women, experience a lot of stress in terms of their relationships and their status in society. But, today, technology has given a ray of hope to many couples.
Komala’s Women Clinic is a multidisciplinary organization dedicated to the advancement of the art, science and practice of reproductive medicine.
Dr Komalas Women Clinic 1991 1st Floor, Major Sandeep Unnikrishnan Rd, Yelahanka Satellite Town, Yelahanka New Town, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560064
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