Dr Komala's Women Clinic - LAVH


Fallopian tube recanalisation or tube recanalisation is an invasive surgical reversal of sterilisation. If you have had a family planning sterilisation operation earlier, this procedure is for you. You still have a chance to reverse the previous procedure and conceive a baby. Tubal recanalisation is carried out through simple radiological and laparoscopic techniques. The procedure is less time-consuming, and patients are discharged on the same day. It enables normal reproductive function and natural conception. The chances of pregnancy increase with the next immediate menstrual cycle.

Fallopian Tube:

The fallopian tube, ovaries, uterus, cervix, and vagina are parts of the female reproductive system. Among these, the fallopian tubes are two tubes emerging from the head of the uterus extending towards the ovaries on both sides. They are the passageway for eggs released from the ovaries. Also, the process of the fusion of the egg and sperm (fertilisation) takes place in this fallopian tube. After fertilisation, the newly formed embryo moves to the uterus and implants in the uterus wall. The implanted embryo grows into a fetus inside the uterus. Hence, a blockage in these two fallopian tubes stops fertilisation.

Fallopian Tube Blockage:

For various reasons, the hollow tubal structure of the fallopian tubes might be blocked, preventing the sperm from meeting the egg. One of the most common reasons is women’s family planning sterilisation operations. A block or cut is made in the fallopian tubes to prevent fertilisation and baby formation. In various other cases, women who are unable to conceive are later diagnosed with fallopian tube blockages. The causative factors range from infection to trauma from accidents. Your doctor will perform certain tests and imaging to establish the reason for tubal blockages and discuss appropriate procedures and techniques with you. He or she will let you choose the procedure you want. 

Causes of Fallopian Tube Blockage:

The most common reason for fallopian tube blockage is a woman’s family planning operation. Through this procedure, the doctor shuts or ties the fallopian tube to close it, preventing the sperm from reaching the egg, or the doctor will cut the tubes and tie the ends separately. The tubal recanalisation procedure reconnects the tube and restores its patency.

The reasons for tube blockage are:

  • Previous family planning procedures
  • Mucous plug (formed by dead cells and secretions)
  • Inflammation of the tube
  • Fallopian tube infections from sexually transmitted infections such as gonorrhoea, chlamydia, etc.
  • Infections following abortion and miscarriages
  • History of ectopic pregnancy (embryo implanted outside the uterus; for example, the fallopian tubes)
  • Endometriosis
  • Abdominal or pelvic surgeries
  • Any other gynaecological complications


Infertility is described as the inability to conceive a baby after one year of unprotected sexual relations between a couple. Fallopian tube blockage is one of the major risk factors for infertility. Almost 40% of infertility cases are due to blockage in fallopian tubes. This is given another name called tubal factor infertility. It can be treated by the tubal recanalisation procedure. The procedure takes around 15 to 20 minutes, and the entire duration of hospitalisation is only a few hours.

The procedure is usually scheduled between the 8th and 10th day of your menstrual cycle. This increases the chances of getting pregnant in the first menstrual cycle following the recanalisation. Almost 40% of the women who undergo successful tubal recanalisation conceive within the first 6 months. If the blockage is secondary to sexually transmitted infections, treatment for infections is prioritised over conception. Your doctors will walk you through the entire procedure based on your medical condition.

Tubal Recanalisation - Laparoscopic Procedure:

The laparoscopic procedure is recommended for contraception reversal, and it is done under mild general anaesthesia. The surgeon makes a small incision in your tummy below your belly button and fills harmless gases such as carbon dioxide into your abdomen. This helps in expanding your abdomen cavity and gives a perfect surgical view to your surgeon. Laparoscopes with the camera are inserted through this incision, and the fallopian tubes are connected. Then they remove the laparoscopes, stitch the incision, and dress the operation site. After the procedure, the doctor observes the patient for a few hours for any potential complications. You can resume your daily activities in a day or two and continue to have normal sexual relations with your partner.

Tubal Recanalisation - Hysteroscopy Procedure:

Hysteroscopy procedure is the same as laparoscopy, except it does not require an incision in the abdomen. Instead, the tube goes through the vagina. It is much simpler than the laparoscopic procedure, thus preferred for infertility treatment. The procedure starts by opening the vagina with a speculum. Then a small tube is inserted through the uterus into the fallopian tube using a guidewire. A contrast liquid or dye pushed through the catheter gives an X-ray-like picture on the screen. This picture is known as a hysterosalpingogram (uterus-fallopian tube picture). Then, with the help of another small catheter and guidewire, the doctor will remove the blockages. Minimal bleeding and period-like stomach cramps are seen for a few days (usually 1 or 2 days). You can resume normal functions and activities later. 

The procedures, techniques, and outcomes vary from one person to another. So it is essential to consult a doctor and discuss your medical details to decide accordingly. 


Tubal recanalisation is an obstetrical procedure for conceiving a baby naturally. This reconstruction of the blockage or contraception method of the fallopian tubes facilitates pregnancy. This minimally invasive procedure is less time-consuming as it barely requires a day. The doctors reconstruct the tubes into a normal hollow passage suitable for fertilisation, increasing the chances of normal pregnancy.

Yes, you can conceive a baby even after surgical contraception. Tubal recanalisation procedure reverses female sterilisation and lets you conceive a baby again. It depends on your age, the type of contraception operation previously done, and the health of your ovaries.

Some natural treatment methods claim that fallopian tubes can be unblocked. However, these are not scientifically proven methods. It is highly preferable to consult a doctor and seek advice for your medical condition. It is better to rely on scientifically proven methods.

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