Dr Komalas Women Clinic - Vault Repair

What is Vault Repair?

Vault repair is a surgery performed to address the problems of Vaginal Prolapse. It is a condition that occurs when a part of a woman’s vagina becomes stretchy or saggy, making it look droopy or protruding from other organs. Vaginal prolapse occurs when the muscles and tissues around the pelvic floor and vagina become weak. It can also happen due to the prolapse of the uterus, called Uterine Prolapse

A prolapse can occur in several different ways for different organs:

  • Bladder: Bladder prolapse is known as the Cystocele.
  • Urethra: Urethra prolapse is known as the Urethrocele
  • Rectum: Rectum prolapse is known as the Rectocele.
  • Small bowel: Small bowel prolapse is known as the Enterocele.

At Dr Komala’s Women Clinic, we understand medical emergencies and are ready to help patients get back to healthy lives as quickly as possible. 

What are the Reasons for a Vaginal Prolapse?

One of the primary reasons for vaginal prolapse can be the long hours of vaginal stretching and the weakening of the pelvic floor during childbirth. With menopause and aging, a woman’s muscles start weakening, including vaginal tissues and the pelvic area.

What are the Symptoms of Vaginal Prolapse?

A vaginal prolapse does not show any symptoms apart from a feeling of fullness in the vagina, discomfort, pain in the lower back, feeling of being pulled from the pelvic area, and pain or incontinence during sexual intercourse. These are some primary symptoms of vaginal prolapse. 

What are the Treatment Options Available for Vaginal Prolapse?

Non-Surgical Treatment Options 

  • Pessary 

This treatment might be one of the first treatment methods your doctor will suggest if you experience symptoms of vaginal prolapse. A pessary is a device (looks like a ring) inserted in your vagina to hold and support your pelvic organs to get them back to their place. This device can and should be fitted only by your medical practitioner. 

  • Kegel Exercises

Kegel exercises are very easy to perform and significantly effective if done consistently. These exercises will strengthen your pelvic muscles. These exercises should be performed by every woman to keep her muscles intact and healthy throughout her life. 

  • While peeing, instead of releasing your urine, squeeze your pelvic muscles and hold it in as much as you can. 
  • Hold it for 5 seconds, relax and then do it again. 
  • Do at least 10 sets of this activity up to 15 times every day. 
  • By performing this activity, there are high chances your prolapse will disappear or get better altogether.
  • Biofeed Therapy 

This treatment will help you understand how to contract your pelvic muscles and control your abdomen, along with proper breathing techniques. 

  • Surgical Treatment Options 

Surgical treatment options will only be recommended if the best suitable non-surgical treatment options have been used to repair vaginal prolapse, and they have failed. Here are a few surgical options that your doctor may recommend to repair your vaginal prolapse. 

There are two types of prolapse surgery you can consider – Obliterative and Reconstructive. 

  • Obliterative Surgery 

This surgery involves closing or narrowing all the parts of your vagina. In this surgery, the main motive is to offer more support to the organs that have become loose and moved out of their normal positions, pressing against the walls of your vagina. This surgery can work if you do not wish to undergo other complicated surgeries to repair this issue. However, the drawback is that you will never be able to have sexual intercourse again in life. 

  • Reconstructive Surgery 

In this surgery, your pelvic floor will be repaired, and the organs will be returned to their actual position. This surgery can be done by cutting the vagina or the abdomen. It can also be performed laparoscopically, where your surgeon will make small cuts in the abdomen area using special instruments and tools. 

There are many reconstructive surgeries that doctors can perform to restore the appearance and functioning of your pelvic floor. They are: 

  • Sacrospinous ligament fixation and uterosacral ligament suspension 
  • Anterior and posterior colporrhaphy 
  • Sacrocolpopexy and sacrohysteropexy
  • Vaginal mesh 

How Long Does a Vaginal Prolapse Take to Repair and Recover?

If you choose to undergo vaginal vault repair to treat vaginal prolapse, you may be required to stay for approximately 3 to 4 days at the Dr Komala’s Womens Clinic. This will enable doctors to take care of you, monitor your health, and help you recover in 4 to 6 weeks.


At Komala’s Women Clinic, we understand that every medical requirement needs to be treated with utmost professionalism and care. Our Gynecology department offers vaginal vault repair performed by a team of expert doctors, surgeons, rehabilitators, nurses, lab technicians, etc. Our state-of-the-art hospital employs modern techniques and methods to offer the best possible treatment to every patient for a better and healthier life.

The lack of self-confidence, a poor self-image, and a decrease in a woman’s libido and sex drive are some of the adverse effects of vaginal prolapse on a woman’s life. 

Usually, vaginal prolapse affects women between the ages of 50 and 70. 

Uterine prolapse occurs when the muscles and tissues in your pelvis weaken. The weakness results in your uterus dropping down into your vagina. Sometimes, it comes out through your vaginal opening. Nearly half the women between the ages of 50 and 79 have this condition.

There are non-surgical treatments available for women whose symptoms are not extreme and can be solved with the help of medicines and exercise. 

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